Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Renaissance brought a new life

'The Republic' - Plato

The Plural. 
Between Christmas and up to the time when we first started to entertain the idea of a fresh start with blogging, both of us hit a metaphoric brick wall. Along with university deadlines, and countless other distractions, blogging became less enjoyable, and started to emulate a chore. Both Irsa, and I decided, albeit reluctantly that maybe it would be better if we just put Impetuous Deed away for awhile, and that's just what we did. 
Then, we joined tumblr! It's such a busy online metropolis, literally buzzing with creativity and inspiration. Hence, the birth of The Plural, we wanted something new and fresh. With Impetuous Deeds, we both felt we'd come a full circle with it, and wanted a new blog, completely built from scratch. 
So, here it is! It's fashion, mostly, but this time more of an eclectic collection of our inspiration, our creativity and as always, our thoughts. 
It feels great to be back! 

Ambreen & Irsa


Follow us on Tumblr || Polyvore

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